Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – New HGV Safety Legislation in London (Effective October 28, 2024)

Q1: Why do I need a HGV safety permit?

A1: The HGV Safety Permit is a requirement under the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) and HGV Safety Permit Scheme, aiming to improve road safety in London. It measures the direct vision of HGV drivers, indicating the level of risk to vulnerable road users. From October 28, 2024, HGVs over 12 tonnes must have a three-star rating or fit the Progressive Safe System to operate in Greater London.

Q2: What are the requirements for the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) in London?

A2: To operate in Greater London from October 28, 2024, HGVs over 12 tonnes must have a three-star rating or implement the Progressive Safe System. The DVS measures the direct vision of HGV drivers, helping to reduce risks for pedestrians and cyclists.

Q3: What is the Progressive Safe System, and how does it affect HGVs rated below three stars?

A3: The Progressive Safe System is a set of safety measures for HGVs rated below three stars. It includes requirements such as Camera Monitoring Systems, Class V and VI mirrors, Blind Spot Information Systems, Moving Off Information Systems, side under-run protection, audible warnings, and external warning signage.

Q4: How can I prepare for the changes coming into effect on October 28, 2024? 

A4: If you hold an existing HGV safety permit with a zero, one, or two-star rating, it will expire at midnight on October 27, 2024. To continue operating in London, ensure your vehicle has the Progressive Safe System fitted. Consult the DVS Guidance for operators for detailed information on requirements.

Q5: How can I get a HGV safety permit for a newly registered vehicle with a star rating between zero and two? 

A5: Owners of newly registered vehicles with a star rating between zero and two should start the permit application process early. Provide proof of the vehicle’s star rating, and if not available, submit a copy of the V5C log book or equivalent documents. Non-UK vehicles are also required to obtain a permit.

Q6: Can I self-certify my vehicle as zero, one, or two stars, and how does it work? 

A6: Yes, if you are applying for a single vehicle that is not in our records, you can self-certify its star rating. Provide a written statement including your name, vehicle registration mark (VRM), vehicle make/model, confirmation of self-certification, and the specific star rating. After confirmation, proceed with the HGV safety permit application. You can do so here: Apply for permit.

Q7: Are there exemptions from the HGV Safety Permit Scheme? 

A7: Some vehicles, such as specialist construction vehicles for off-road use, may be exempt. Check the DVS Operator’s guidance for the full list of exemptions. If your vehicle is exempt, no registration is needed. However, ensure your vehicle has a valid star rating.

Q8: What are the penalties for driving a HGV without a valid permit in Greater London? 

A8: Driving a HGV without a valid permit in most of Greater London may result in a penalty charge (PCN) of up to £550 (reduced to £275 if paid within 14 days). Ensure compliance to avoid penalties.

Discover Fleet Witness’s personalised solutions to fit your needs. Select the Full Kit for DVS Phase 2 Compliance, inclusive of an AHD Monitor, BSIS & MOIS Camera System, Left Turn Speaker, and Warning Sign. Alternatively, explore the PSS Package-Only option, tailored for vehicles with pre-existing monitors and nearside cameras.

Mandatory from October 2024, HGVs with 0, 1, or 2-star ratings or a DVS Safety Permit until 2024 must install a PSS before reapplying for a new permit.

For further details, visit our page HERE

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